The Texas Smart-On-Crime Coalition is the largest statewide effort working to make Texas’ criminal justice system smarter, safer, and more cost effective.

Founded in 2014, the Coalition brings together businesses, faith organizations, nonprofit organizations, and the state’s most prominent conservative and progressive organizations to pursue bipartisan plans to address, reduce, and prevent crime.

Texas Smart-On-Crime Coalition advocates for evidence-based reforms that provide just punishment, support crime victims, and provide a path to redemption for those convicted of non-violent crimes so they can get back to work and be productive members of society.

Our Partners

Texas Association of Business

Texas Public Policy Foundation

Goodwill Central Texas

ACLU of Texas

Texas Criminal Justice Coalition

Christian Life Commission

Prison Fellowship

R Street Institute

Our Story

The Texas Smart-On-Crime Coalition was founded in 2014 by the Texas Association of Business, the Texas Public Policy Foundation, the Texas Criminal Justice CoalitionGoodwill Industries of Central Texas, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas, specifically in response to Texas’ ineffective and costly overreliance on incarceration. We are united in the belief that our criminal justice system can be smarter, safer, and more effective. Since launching in 2014, Prison Fellowship the Christian Life Commission, and R Street Institute, have joined our executive committee.